If you go to BlogCatolog.com and click on Directory, then you click on Computers, Bauer-Power is on the first page! This is really great because they list the order of blogs by rank, not alphabetically. The ranking scale is out of 100! Some of the ranking is done by people writing reviews of your blog as well.
If you want to check it out for yourself, along with some of the other top Computer blogs you can go here: (BlogCatalog Computers)
The picture above is not entirely accurate, Bauer-Power is not number two on the page, actually we are near the bottom, but still on the front page! You can help me out though by joining my BlogCatalog Neighborhood, and leaving a review at the bottom (Preferably a good one) .
Dec 14, 2007
Bauer-Power is On The First Page of BlogCatalog!