If you are looking to change the splash in Ubuntu 8.10 click here: (Splash in Ubuntu 8.10)
One of the coolest things about Linux is that it is so easily customizable. In Windows, if you want to change something like the boot up splash screen, you have to install a third party software like StyleXP to change it. When you do, it may or may not cause problems because Windows was never really designed to be customized.
For Linux, you don't need any special software to change the boot up screen, you just need to know where to get new boot screens! I get my boot screens from gnome-look.org. If you use Kubuntu, then you can get your splash screen from kde-look.org. All you have to do is do a search for usplash.
When you find the right one, all you have to do is download it, and as root copy the enclosed .so file to /usr/lib/usplash.
Once copied run the following from the terminal:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/YOUR_SPLASH.so
After that, run this in the terminal:
sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so
Choose the number corresponding to your new splash screen and press enter.
Then run the following in the terminal to update the boot process and make your changes stick:
sudo update-initramfs -u
Some of the splash screens I have used require you to change your boot resolution. You will have to check with the creator of the boot screen to find out if that is necessary. (Hint: They usually post that on the download page, along with instructions on how to do that).
Once all is done, reboot and you should see your fancy, 1337 new splash screen! Here is a screen shot of my personal favorite (Fingerprint Usplash Theme):
Do you know of other places to get cool usplash themes for Ubuntu besides gnome-look and kde-look? I am always on the lookout for cool new boot splash screens. Please let me know in the comments.
Sep 1, 2008
Changing the Boot Up Splash in Ubuntu