Hell yeah people! Keep them coming! My friggin' mailbox was full last night for "Powered by Ubuntu" and "Powered by Kubuntu" requests! My wife is certain that our mailman will get really pissed off at me for this, but who cares?
I am just really excited that there are as many like minded Ubuntu enthusiasts out there as I am! Please keep spreading the word about the stickers! For details on the sticker offer click here: (Powered By Ubuntu Sticker Offer)
You may have noticed my count down to Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) which is due out next month. (Special thanks goes to Bauer-Power contributor Sundance for the Java script coding)
This is another good way of spreading the Ubuntu word! If you have a website, and want to add the countdown to your site, here is the code:
When you paste the code into your site, users will be able to click on it to take them to Ubuntu.com to learn more about how they can free themselves from the grasp of Microshaft!
Lets keep spreading the word about Ubuntu!
Sep 16, 2008
More Sticker Requests and The Countdown to Intrepid Ibex!