I love 7Zip! I mentioned many moons ago that I have recently completely switched from using winRAR to the absolutely free 7Zip in Windows.
I love 7Zip so much that I wanted to get it for Linux as well. The Linux port for 7Zip is called P7Zip and unfortunately it is all command line baby. The switches and syntax kill me with this command line version. It makes no sense to me, and I can't find any good examples online for the proper syntax.There is good news though, and it doesn't require switching your car insurance to Geico. No, the good news is that someone has made a GUI front end to P7Zip! This bad boy is called Q7Z. It comes in both pre-configured Deb and RPM packages, as well as a binary installer for some of the other Linux flavors out there. It makes using 7Zip in Linux a snap!
Once installed, you may or may not have to create your own launcher to run it, but that is okay. The launcher command for it (At least in Ubuntu) is /usr/bin/Q7Z.pyw. Once installed, compressing in 7z format couldn't be simpler!
Oct 24, 2007
Linux Gui for 7Zip