My Capstone class is finished. We have turned in all of our final paperwork including a write-up on what has been learned in the class. We still have one night left, which we will use as a movie night.
The biggest thing I took from the class, but I pretty much already knew it, was that not all operating systems are compatible with all types of hardware. I suppose if given more time I could have gotten Solaris to work on the old run-down desktop PC's that the school had, but it would have taken too much finagling to get it done.
So what now? Well, tonight is my last night for security class where I have to take my final exam (Wish me luck). After that, I will finally have my Associates Degree in Computer Networking! As for my classmates, they will be awarded their Networking Certificates from the College (I had some transfer credits, that is why I get my associates and they don't). If you are looking for some good, entry level IT guys, leave me a comment, I know a couple of guys with new certs that can use a foot in the door job!
Oct 9, 2007
Capstone is Finished