Creating windows shortcuts for free without the need to install software!
First I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for not posting this last part sooner, I had it written just forgot to post it. So anyway here you go...
So this isn’t really that hard but easy to overlook or forget about. Basically all you do is create a shortcut of anything you want to open with your custom windows hotkeys. Right click on the shortcut and go to Properties. Once in the Properties click on the Shortcut tab at the top. (By default it usually is on that tab after going to Properties.) In the 3rd option down is the “Shortcut key:” option. In there you can put just about any combo of characters in there.
By default if you just press a character on the keyboard it will add the Ctrl + Alt to it. Example if you just press A then it will make it Ctrl + Alt + A. Some keys you cannot use are the Windows Key, Tab, Pause/Break, Print Screen and Esc keys.
This is the final post on Windows Shortcuts and Run Commands. If you missed the last three you can catch them here, here and here!
Did we miss any? Do you have any questions? let us know in the comments.
Oct 28, 2008
Windows Shortcuts and Run Commands Part 4

By Sundance of Free TV Shows Online