I have noticed that for about a week or so now, my stats on Feedburner have seemed a bit lower than normal. I decided to check out my stats on Google Analytics, and my stats are staying consistent. Which leads me to ask the question.... WTF Feedburner?!?!?
It seems to me that this happens every so often, where Feedburner's stat engine takes a shit, and none of their numbers can't be trusted. Then after a few days, they snap back into place and act like nothing happened.
What I want to know is why can their parent company's analytics service continue to work moderately okay, while Feedburners stops working all the time? Why not just incorporate Google's anaytics into Feedburner's?
Anyone else having a problem with Feedburner stats AGAIN lately?
Nov 12, 2008
WTF is Up With Feedburner Lately?