I took it upon myself to submit Bauer-Puntu 8.10 to the major free software site Softpedia. I figured why not?
There are a few things I still need to iron out with their support team... Such as where the hell are my screen shots? But that is neither here nor there.
If you do a quick Google search for Bauer-Puntu Linux 8.10 Download, their link is numero uno!
If you go to the Linux page on Softpedia, and scroll down to the latest distros column, Bauer-Puntu is numero tres!
Here is a direct link to the download page on Softpedia for Bauer-Puntu 8.10 so you can check it out for yourself if you haven't already: (Bauer-Puntu on Softpedia)
Nov 5, 2008
Bauer-Puntu Linux Available on Softpedia
1:00 AM
El DiPablo