Mar 23, 2018

Corrupt OpenVAS PDF's in Ubuntu?

Yesterday I wrote about how I recently setup an OpenVAS/Greenbone server on Ubuntu, and how the guide I referenced for the install missed a few steps. Well, I found another one!

After getting reports to generate correctly, one thing I noticed was that exporting to PDF didn't work. I mean, I could download a file with a PDF extension, but when I opened it with my PDF reader, I got an error message saying it was corrupt!

What the hell man?

Well, searching around I did find this OpenVAS Wiki post talking about how to fix this, but it only gives examples of how to fix it in CentOS. Where's the Ubuntu love guys?

Well, to fix it in Ubuntu you just need to install the texlive-latex-extra package. You can do that by running:
  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra -y
After that is finished, you can download and open PDF reports just fine!

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