Oh man! I am such an idiot! I'm not sure why I made it all hard on myself. There is a repository where you can apt-get the VMWare server install now.
Instead of killing yourself doing what is mentioned in my previous post, just do the following:
edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file by opening your terminal and typing:
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Add the following line at the end and save the file:
deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main
Next, in the terminal run:
sudo apt-get update
After you are done updating, now we run apt-get in all of it's glory:
sudo apt-get install vmware-server vmware-tools-kernel-modules
Follow the prompts, and your done!
(Note, you will still need to register for your free serial at VMWare.com)
[EDIT] - Trying to Install VMWare on Ubuntu 9.04? Check out my post here: (Install VMWare Serve 2 on Ubuntu 9.04 Server)
Jul 25, 2007
UPDATE: VMWare Server on Ubuntu (apt-get baby!)