Mar 12, 2018

Why does Google Chrome think I'm in India?

I've noticed a weird issue in Google Chrome lately, and that is whenever I type a search term in the address bar, the results come from If you didn't know, that is the URL for Google in India... I however most certainly don't live in India...

Well, after searching around I found out that quite a few others have noticed the same thing. The best solution I can find to make it stop is to do the following in Chrome:

  • Go to Settings > Manage Search Engines
  • Scroll down to the Add a new search engine box
  • Enter Google NCR for the name
  • Enter Google NCR_ for the keyword type
  • In the URL use
  • Set that as your default search provider
If you are wondering, NCR stands for No Country Redirect. This will make sure your search terms always use good old and not any other country's search!

Did this help you out? Let us know in the comments!

[H/T TheSEMPost]

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