Sep 18, 2014

New Tech for New Babies: Top Gadgets for New Parents

A new baby, new joy, new worries. After the little one comes, there is oh, so much happiness. With that happiness comes oh, so many worries. Is the baby sleeping okay? Has she had enough to eat? Does he need to be changed? Does she have a fever?

Thankfully technology has really come through for parents of new babies. Here are a few gadgets you can use that are really convenient and might help you not worry quite as much.

Pacifier Thermometer

The absolutely perfect reason for a baby to have a pacifier. Pacifier Thermometer is a gadget that takes a baby’s temperature without disturbing her. Its Fever Alert function glows and allows parents to read her temperature at night without waking the baby up. It comes with a protective cover for the diaper bag.

Smart Swaddling Blanket

Babies love to be swaddled, and now we have smart swaddling. Babies don't come with instructions, but SwaddleDesigns blankets do! SwaddleDesigns has come out with a smart swaddling blanket with swaddling instructions sewn to the blanket and a scannable QR code on a label that makes it super easy to use on your smartphone. Help is there when you need it.

By scanning that code with the QR reader in your smartphone, you have access to short instructional videos such as, how to swaddle a baby, newborn care tips, and free white noise to help calm baby.
When babies cry, swaddling can help to calm them. The smart swaddling blanket will help you learn to swaddle, and the full-length white noise are proven to help calm and relax baby. Babies sleep better and longer when swaddled, especially with the addition of white noise, which means parents get more sleep, too.

Lorex Live Connect Monitor

Baby monitors have come a long way. Standard baby monitors come with video now. There are smart monitors that will allow you to turn on the nightlight in your baby’s room or play music, all from your smartphone.

However, if you want a monitor that will monitor your baby in CIA like-fashion, check this out. The only thing this baby monitor can’t do is hold the baby, but he’s got you for that. Features include the following:
  • Automatic night vision: You can see the baby clearly at all times of the night.
  • Audio-triggered video recording: When the baby starts to cry, the monitor automatically starts recording the baby so you can see why she started to cry.
  • Multi-camera monitoring: Yes, one camera is enough, but imagine being able to monitor not just the baby, but your toddler’s room and the front door. It can accommodate up to four cameras. Each monitor starts you out with one.
  • Two-way audio: Instead of the standard one-way-you-can-hear-the-baby-crying monitor, this feature lets your baby hear you. If you want to sing to her or just tell her you’re on your way, the sound of your voice will be a comfort.
  • Video recording: This is not a baby monitor standard, but you can get Lorex to add motion-activated wireless video cam surveillance (told you it was CIA-like) for your baby monitor as part of the system.
The technological gadgets that have been designed for new babies and their parents are incredibly helpful to a parent with a new baby. By providing brilliant tech baby aids, manufacturers have made it possible for you to know that your baby is safe, warm, comfortable, well-fed, and healthy so that you can maybe worry just a teensy bit less.

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