Jun 21, 2010

Could It Be? A Cool Geeky Linux Chick?

So there I was, surfing around Youtube like I like to do every once and a while. I spend a lot of time there because I host my Bauer-Power videos there, along with many other video websites on the Internet. While I was there I stumbled onto a really interesting vlogger. Now, I found this vlogger interesting for one, because their videos are mainly on Linux and Open Source, but also because she is a relatively hot chick! What? A hot chick that loves Linux? Could it be? They exist in the wild? Interesting.

You may have heard of her. I mean, she has has over 37,000 subscribers on Youtube. That is pretty damned good if you ask me. Her name is Nixie Pixel. She also does video game reviews, and talks about other geeky stuff going on in her life, or geeky things she's interested in. Many of her tutorials are perfect for Linux n00bs, and are designed for beginners.

Here Nixie tells us about some of her favorite Open Source alternatives to overpriced commercial software in her video titled, "Go Open Source or Go Home."

You can subscribe to Nixie's Youtube channel here: youtube.com/nixiepixel

Alternatively, you can get your Nixie Pixel fix on her  website NixiePixel.com where you can watch her videos, check out photos, find out more about her, or even contact her.

Who are your favorite e-famous geeky chicks on the interwebz? I know Nixie can't be the only one out there. Let us know your favorites in the comments!

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