Yesterday one of my readers had a problem leaving a comment on one of my posts. The problem was caused because I was using a feature of Blogger Draft to write a post then have it auto publish at a specified time. The problem with that is that it didn't automatically create a unique URL, and thus caused my Intense Debate comments to break for that post.
Well, this reader was obviously frustrated by this error and wanted to let me know about it so I could fix it. He looked around my site for a place to email me, but I never published my email (I am not a fan of spam). He eventually found a working comments section and that is how he notified me. He was right though, so I went ahead and made a Contact Me section. To do it, and to prevent getting spammed, I decided to use a web form. I wanted some protection so I created my form using EmailMe Form. They give you protection by adding a captcha at the bottom, and also hiding your personal email address. Also, when you go get emails, they record the IP address of whoever sent the message using your form.Check mine out here: (Contact Me)
I put mine in a frame because my blog's template doesn't handle web forms well. It makes all the fields transparent. For your site, you can most likely create the form and embed it directly into the site.
Do you have a blog or a website? How do you have users contact you for feedback? Let me know in the comments.
By the way, I placed a link to the Contact Me page in my links section on the side bar.
Feb 28, 2008
Creating Email Web Forms On The Easy