My buddy Karl over at once wrote an article about running a script from Outlook when a particular email comes in. It got me to thinking if there was a way to remotely wipe a hard drive when an email comes in. I couldn’t find a program that could be scripted to remotely wipe a drive, but I once wrote about a program called HDD Wipe that can at least wipe a drive while Windows was running.
So all that was left was a way to automate HDD Wipe. Well, HDD Wipe is GUI only, so that got me thinking about another program I wrote about called Autoit that lets you automate GUI programs. I decided to write my own program that automates HDD Wipe to wipe out a hard drive remotely. Here is a teaser video of me wiping a drive using an email. I used this in one of my old Youtube episodes on how to wipe a hard drive remotely. Check it out!
Download RemoteWipe here: (RemoteWipe.exe)
To use it drop it in the HDDGURU FreeWipe Tool programs file directory, and run it via script, double click, PSExec or however you feel you need to run it!
Do you know of a better way to remotely wipe a drive in windows? If so, let me know. Preferably a scriptable program please. If you have something better, I will use it in Episode 18 of Bauer-Power and I will give you full credit for the tip!
Dec 24, 2009
RemoteWipe – Autoit Tool To Wipe a Drive Remotely!